The best part of driving for a local courier company is the freedom that you experience. Every day is different then the day before. You get to work outside, interact with various people, and get some exercise as you are constantly walking and getting in and out of your vehicle.


Experiences of our Drivers

“This is the best job in the world and can not imagine doing any other job”, said Bill Behar, a Numode driver since 2019.  Prior to working with Numode, Bill drove a 5-ton truck but found the traffic in Vancouver getting tougher to handle.  “When I decided to switch from driving trucks to smaller vehicles, I wanted to find a good company to work for”, says Bill.  He had been reading the Richmond News and noticed an article about Numode Delivery being awarded the Best New Business by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce.  The next day he applied, and the rest is history.  “The team at Numode is just so pleasant to work with”.  He was also impressed with the training that he received.  For the first few days he was partnered up with an experience driver.

The first and most important rule was that public safety is above all else.  “The safety of the public and our drivers is really important to us”, says Vanessa Cowan, office manager at Numode.   “As soon as I met Bill, I knew he would be a perfect fit with our team”.  Bill has always enjoyed the interaction with customers and the public.  Finding a company that had the same core values that he had was important to him. “You could tell right away that Numode’s customers appreciated the work and effort that their drivers put into delivering their packages”.  The second week at Numode Bill was asked to deliver to Sechelt/Gibsons.  His first stop was delivering a pharmacy prescription to a senior at her home in Sechelt.   The customer had placed the order the previous afternoon with the pharmacy and was not expecting it until the day after.  “She was so happy to see me” says Bill.  The rest of the day was much the same and knowing that Numode’s customers were happy was important to Bill.  “It just shows you the quality of our company”.

Numode has an open-door policy with management and ownership. “I received a call from Andrew about two weeks after I started asking how things were and if I needed anything”, says Bill.  The next time he was in the office he was showing pictures of his grandchildren.  The fact that management has created an environment that encourages a home-work balance is important to Bill.  Spending time with his kids and grandchildren is something that Bill looks forward to everyday.  “Knowing that management cares and understands this is awesome”, says Bill.  He only wishes that he had started earlier at Numode.

Numode Delivery Solutions has been the leading voice for same-day courier and trucking in Metro Vancouver since 2016. Explore the individual delivery options we offer, or get in touch with us.